
Showing posts from May, 2023

Anti-DEI(B) Rhetoric = White on White Crime

 May 18, 2023     I grew up as an incurable mediator. I'm the oldest child and only boy in my household. Eldest children often inherit the role of third adult and parental translator. I'm also the older brother to my younger sister and it has been my honor to be her protector and intimidator-in-residence . You can add my time as a team captain in football to the list as well as my professional training as a counselor, and I possess the chemical composition for a tragic superhero. Finally, I am the proud father of six beautiful children and I deeply believe that it's my personal responsibility to prepare them for and protect them from the world.      DEI work in schools became the perfect trap for me. It fueled my Savior Complex from my childhood and perpetuated my personal pattern of solving other people's problems and carrying other people's weight. At 42 years old, I've grown pardonably tired of jumping in other people's fights and I feel like the "A